This property is proof that small acrage can yield wildlife viewing and hunting opportunities when done properly.

Project Status: On-going management

Location: Annandale, MN

Project Description: Hardwoods mix of oaks, maples, basswood, ironwood, and cedar thickets. Main invasive species extensive buckthorn infestation from bordering state woods.

Total acres managed: 1 acres


  • Restore balance to the wooded areas

  • Create more wildlife viewing/hunting opportunities


  1. Remove invasive buckthorn from the hardwoods and piles burned

  2. Two seasons of follow-up follar sprays were conducted to control buckthorn seedlings

  3. Remove select boxelder to open up the canopy and allow more sunlight and native regeneration

  4. Plant food plot in woodland area for increased hunting success


  • Project started 2020 with invasive species removal

  • Project moved into ongoing maintenance 2021


  • Significant increase in deer activity, among other wildlife species such as owls, red fox, turkey, and pheasants.

  • Whitetail fawns are now born and raised on the property

  • Several broods of turkey poults raised through the summer on the property as well

  • Management in the wooded area has opened up turkey roost trees and places for birds of prey to perch and watch for food


Low Maintenance Lawn


Wildlife Habitat Improvement