Project Status: In-Progress

Location: Andover, MN

Project Description: Mature oak hardwoods, several small ponds, 4 locations of old tree plantation remnants including spruce and maple stands, and agricultural fields inter-twined. Main invasive issue is buckthorn.

Total acres managed: 18 acres


  • Increase deer activity throughout property by means of strategically cut and curated tunnels

  • Increase deer cover and bedding areas through the use of plantings and brush

  • Increase the late fall vegetation so late season hunting success increases


  1. Remove invasive buckthorn from the hardwoods to allow more sunlight and encourage native regeneration

  2. Utilize brush to be scattered and piled in areas to create structure for deer bedding

  3. Cut and high-cut select trees in an overgrown and overcrowded maple planting

  4. Prep and seed area for food plot planting and new wildlife bedding area

  5. Cut select trees in the overgrown and overcrowded spruce planting to create small tunnels and trails for deer to travel

  6. Clear, prep, and seed new clearing with native grasses and forbs to encourage a secluded bedding area and food supply


  • Woody removal and timber stand improvement (TSI) work April 2025

  • Planting March - May 2025


Hardwoods Food Plot